The Overlook Hotel
The Overlook Hotel was a secluded hotel located in the Rocky Mountains and the main antagonist in The Shining. During its history, it was the site of many unsavory activities, including suicides, gangland hits, and many suspicious changes of ownership, yet the hotel remained a luxurious destination known for its sumptuous grounds and spectacular mountain view.

Film Brief
The Shining is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Jack Torrance arrives at the Overlook Hotel for an interview applying for position of winter caretaker.
On Closing Day, Jack, Wendy and Danny arrive as the staff and cleaners are preparing to leave. Ullman and Watson give Jack and Wendy a tour of the Overlook. They then meet Dick Hallorann, who takes Wendy and Danny on a tour of the kitchen. Dick tells Danny that he should be fine at the Overlook and warns him to stay out of Room 237.
A month passes and the Torrances are settled in. Wendy and Danny explore the Overlook while Jack works on his play. However, Jack's writing project is going nowhere and his behaviour becomes aggressive. As well as that, Danny has more terrifying visions and even meets the twin girls who were murdered by their father. Eventually, Danny is lured into Room 237 and is strangled by the ghost who lives in there. Wendy panics, believing that Jack strangled Danny.
Jack is served a drink in The Gold Ballroom by Lloyd. Wendy runs in panicking, saying that a woman strangled Danny. Jack goes to investigate and is seduced by the ghost in there, who later scares him. However, Jack tells Wendy he saw nothing in the room. He encounters a ghostly party in The Gold Ballroom and meets Delbert Grady, who tells Jack to correct his family. While this is happening, Danny telepathically calls Hallorann for help.
Wendy goes down to The Colorado Lounge and is taunted by a possessed Jack. Wendy knocks Jack unconscious with a baseball bat and drags him into the pantry, where she locks him in. However, Delbert Grady lets Jack out, who grabs an axe and tries to kill Wendy. Danny escapes by sliding out the window and hides in the Overlook.
Hallorann arrives and is killed by Jack, which Danny witnesses. Jack chases Danny into the hedge maze while Wendy encounters several ghosts, skeletons in the lobby and blood coming out of an elevator. Danny is able to escape the hedge maze and meets Wendy outside the hedge maze and the two escape in Hallorann's snowcat, while Jack freezes to death in the hedge maze.